Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mosiah 5:7. Children of Christ

President Joseph Fielding Smith spoke on how Jesus Christ could be called our Father:
“If we speak of Jesus Christ as being our Father, we are not making any mistake because, spiritually, he begot us. No question about it—he united spirit and body, providing a resurrection for every living thing. We do not make any mistake in speaking of the Savior as our God, as our Father, and also as the Son of God because he received all authority. Jesus declared the Father conferred all authority upon him, and so he becomes to us a Father. Moreover, he begot us spiritually in the resurrection. . . 
“. . . We are his sons and daughters. He is a Father to us because he begot us and saved us from death,uniting spirit and body. What is a father but one who gives life?” (The Fatherhood of Christ [address to seminary and institute of religion personnel, Brigham Young University, 17 July 1962], pp. 5–6).

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